

RMI’s Rachel Lopez Is a Young Executive With a Lifetime of Experience

When you read about a successful professional in just about any industry, people often say that person was “born to do it.” Of course, it might look that way to someone on the outside looking in, but the person who has achieved such success knows it has required hard work and a lifelong, consistent pursuit [...]

CornerstonePEO Demonstrates the Value of Team Players

Teams have always played an important role in the life of CornerstonePEO’s president and CEO, Ron Hodge. From playing high school and college football to a brief stint in the NFL with the Cleveland Browns and the New York Giants, to working with business partners, to partnering with his wife to raise their four children, [...]

Engage Cofounder Midge Seltzer Plans Active Retirement

FAPEO is saying farewell, but not good-bye, to long-time FAPEO member Midge Seltzer, who recently retired from Engage and is making her home—for now—in Portland, Oregon. She and her husband plan to resume a nomadic lifestyle they enjoyed in the early part of their marriage, taking extended visits to countries around the world. “We were [...]

LandrumHR Names Kara Bloomberg as Chief Operating Officer

LandrumHR announced in January that Kara Bloomberg has been appointed chief operating officer. “Under Kara’s leadership, we have reinvigorated our client service efforts and taken a fresh look at operations. We are now better prepared to deliver unprecedented service and human resources solutions to our clients,” says Britt Landrum III, CEO of LandrumHR. Kara [...]

Applied Business Solutions: A PEO Company Offers Transparency and Full-Service Solutions

Co-founders Brandon McCoy, CEO, and Blake Odom, CFO/COO, of Applied Business Solutions: A PEO Company are good friends who have much in common. They are both native Floridians hailing from the northern part of the state, McCoy from the small town of Jasper and Odom from Jacksonville. Both developed a strong work ethic at a [...]

Florida’s Strong Economy Offers Opportunities for Employers

Florida’s Strong Economy Offers Opportunities for Employers Ten-Year Forecast Indicates Changes on Horizon as Boomers Retire During February’s Florida PEO CEO Legislative Summit held in Tallahassee, Amy Baker, chief economist and legislative coordinator with the Florida Legislature Office of Economic & Demographic Research (EDR), provided attendees an overview of key economic and demographic statistics from [...]

Eric Arfons Reflects on 30 Years in the PEO Business

“Published in the Winter 2018 FAPEO Update Newsletter” Eric Arfons married his high school sweetheart 34 years ago, earned an MBA from the UF Warrington College of Business and built successful PEO businesses with two of his best friends—twice. In September, Tampa-based CoAdvantage bought Arfons and his business partners’ company, and the now-former president of [...]

Trion Solution’s Mark Davidoff Has a Passion for HR

Trion Solution, Inc.’s Mark M. Davidoff always has been intrigued by the interaction between management and employees in the workplace, even before HR was a widely used term in the business world. After earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration and management, he went to work as a labor consultant in New York. Mark [...]

PRemployer’s Long-Term Roots in Personnel Resources

Ben Harrison’s PRemployer, Inc., is a family business with long-term roots in the staffing and PEO industry. One of Ben’s sisters, Becky Carter, is his business partner, and his other sister, Debbie Dobbs, is the company’s CFO. Harrison’s career began at Personnel Resources (PR) in Dothan, Alabama, soon after Ben graduated from Florida State University [...]